Vpn client free download for mac
Vpn client free download for mac

vpn client free download for mac

Automatic execution of programs if VPN tunnels are established.Start connection: An automatic dial-up is possible in combination with saving the user data.Multiple simultaneous VPN connections are possible.Clear user interface for managing large number of VPN connections.Administrator rights are not required on the computer.Automatic configuration in conjunction with Securepoint VPN-/UTM-Gateways out-of-the-box VPN-Client can be downloaded from the VPN-/UTM-Gateway user website.Configuration assistant, enables the simple creation of VPN connections.

#Vpn client free download for mac professional

The new, professional VPN-Client from Securepoint is free: Overview of the Securepoint SSL VPN client With Securepoint you can order any type of VPN client and also use the Securepoint SSL VPN client. Securepoint VPN and UTM products support the protocols: L2TP/PPTP, IPSec via X.509 certificate/IKE and preshared keys, SSL VPN (OpenVPN) and are Windows 7-ready with IKEv1 and IKEv2 support. and can be run with these fee-based VPN clients. Securepoint VPN and UTM solutions are of course compatible with all current VPN servers and VPN clients from third-parties such as NCP, Greenbow etc.

vpn client free download for mac

The complex encryption and authentication methods can be managed in a very simple and clear manner in combination with the Securepoint SSL VPN Client and the Securepoint UTM systems. All Securepoint VPN and UTM-Gateways can of course be operated with the SSL VPN client easily. Over 30,000 downloads in the meantime also show the popularity of the Securepoint SSL VPN client. Securepoint has therefore developed a professional and free of charge openVPN-Client based on SSL-VPN for Windows. Premium-quality VPN-Clients are expensive - especially if the company network contains a large number of users. The Securepoint SSL VPN client is free of charge and is available with every Securepoint VPN and UTM product.

Vpn client free download for mac